There is no wisdom in the banal (necessarily), just the smell of bougainvillea. BEIGE (Upset Press) is a long but brisk walk through the suburbs of San Diego and Gardena, places authors Bruna Mori and George Porcari lived when they first moved to California. Book design by Jessica D’Elena-Tweed.


BEIGE is the texture of stucco, the beach and the body shops, the early school shootings, the sound of the crickets, the new tracts of 5000 square-foot middle-class homes in east San Diego. Beige results from Porcari’s and Mori’s long friendship. The pulse of their book beats like a hummingbird’s heart.”  
—Chris Kraus, author of I Love Dick

Perhaps there’s no wisdom in the banal, but perhaps some wisdom in looking at the limits of wisdom, at beige as tonal standard, at things mute in their thingness–dreams of things, perhaps, things dreaming of themselves–that lie outside of ‘wisdom’. Bruna Mori conjures wit and wry tenderness in the interplay between her language and George Porcari’s full frontal quintessential Southern California landscapes. The last time you were asked your favorite color, you didn’t say this, but clearly more than we suspected, ‘BEIGE is fun.’" 
—Sesshu Foster, author of City Terrace Field Manual

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