Poetry for Corporations (Insert Blanc Press) is a selection of copy written for notable brands between 2000 - 2015. The book marks a vanishing era, when humans were encouraged to write like machines as machines are now asked to have humanity. Copy decks document a moment before AI transitions a livelihood. Stock photography curated by Kylie King; design by Wendy Belt.
“Maximum Normcore stock culture 4 your office’s best waiting areas.”
–Benjamin Bratton, author of The Stack
“Familiar and ice-cold, Poetry for Corporations marks the spot where the second person singular collapses under the volume of false address now aimed its way. ‘Whoops! You failed to make a selection.’ Put this book in a time capsule. Let it document how the post-human world sounded.”
–Rae Armantrout, author of Versed
“World building, powered by Bruna Mori, advances the study of immersive and collaborative storytelling as it intersects with emergent technologies. It’s a powerful new narrative process destined to impact the future of entertainment as the richly detailed world becomes a container for countless stories.”
–McKenzie Wark, author of Molecular Red
“As should be clear to everyone by now, the original artificial intelligence is that creature called ‘Corporation.’ It speaks to us, at us, through us, and for us, slurping up the training data known as human language. Poetry for Corporations flips the script, parses the source, and minds the gap between advertising copy and what advertising can never copy.”
–Julieta Aranda, visual artist and publisher of eflux